Monday, January 19, 2009

Inagural McClellan Family Blog

Family picture (counterclockwise from the left):
Amanda, Evan, Daniel, Davis, Lynda, & David (Summer 2008)

This is the first entry of the David McClellan Family Blog! First let us introduce ourselves.

David McClellan married Lynda Mickelsen on October 28, 1988, and the David McClellan family had its beginnings. Shortly thereafter (about nine months and a week) Amanda McClellan joined our family. She is now a charming, gracious, intelligent young woman attending Utah Valley University as a senior in vocal music performance. Davis was next to join our family, and he is now a Senior at Boothbay Region High School. He participates in drama, is the founder of the High School Debate Team, Editor of the Webzine for the Student Health Advisory, Editor of the Yearbook, and just finished performing as the lead at the High School musical "Godspell." Evan joined our family 8 years later, while we were living in Japan, and is now a fourth grader at Boothbay Region Elementary School. He loves music--is quite talented at the piano and at singing. Daniel was born a few years later while we were living in Orem and is now an almost 7 year old in 2nd grade at Boothbay Region Elementary School.

Dave works as a Senior Research Scientist at Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences here in Boothbay Harbor and Lynda is the PTA President at the Elementary School. We love serving in the Church: Dave as Branch Mission Leader, Lynda as Branch Young Women President, and Davis as first assistant to the Branch President in his Priest Quorum.

That serves as an introduction to who we are at this point in our lives. Watch for more posts in the future!

The McClellans


  1. YEA!
    I love blogging. It's so easy to stay caught up and you don't have to download pictures of everyone (not that that's annoying or anything-I used to always send them that way.)
    That's a good family picture too!

  2. Love the blog guys. It is a little embarrassing that this has become the medium by which we keep up with each other. But it's definitely better than nothing. Love the posts. Paul.
