Friday, January 30, 2009

Child Highlight: Daniel Kent

<-- This is Daniel Kent, my fourth child. He was born in Provo, Utah, in the same hospital as his sister. He turns seven years old tomorrow!!! He is named for one of our ancestors, the other brother-in-law of Brigham Young we are descended from. The original Daniel Kent was married to Brigham's sister Rhoda, I think. A few years back, a few of Daniel Kent's descendants met at an old graveyard near Kirtland, Ohio, and rededicated Daniel Kent's grave site. This was fresh on my mind when our Daniel Kent was born. Dan has always been a serious, yet intensely emotional, child. He rarely smiled until he was about five years old. This has also made him intensely sensitive, a trait I believe will serve him well over the coming years. Daniel enjoys the outdoors, more so than my our other children. He also loves to imagine himself the center of stories he makes up, and he spends hours in the summertime outside acting them out. At one point, Lynda asked if she could join him and he responded that he didn't think she knew how. He was right...

Daniel's first onstage performance as Tevia's grandson in Fiddler on the Roof.

Daniel's serious nature, as can be seen in the photo above, landed him several parts in on-stage performances, including Fiddler on the Roof and Annie. I remember when he was little, about 3-4, Dan learned to help me with the morning chores by straightening the family room by himself. All I had to say was, You can do it! and he did. We grew close through those years when I would watch him in the mornings.

Dan started kindergarten in Boothbay Harbor, Maine. When he did, he found his true passion - school. He loves it! He gets along well with the other children, his teachers love him, and he does well at nearly everything he is asked to do. He really missed school when he has to miss, although he dearly loves snow days.

Recent image of Daniel at his uncle Paul's wedding reception in Utah.


  1. What's the story behind the picture on the bottom?

    I didn't know that Vincent was born on his birthday!

    Happy Birthday!

    When will we see your cute family again? I bet our girls would love to play with them again.

  2. Awesome blog entry! Glad your blogging... it's quite fun. Mine is
    I'm not near as good at writing as you are but I still enjoy it!
